Industrial Licensing Law

The limited capacity of IDA is reflected in a number of areas, including:

  • Inadequate staffing levels in IDA governorate-level offices render these offices ineffective.
  • Staff in the governorate-level offices do not have real authority to make decisions without consulting with headquarters in Cairo.
  • Some staff members are not well qualified; the majority do not have adequate understanding and knowledge of the procedures, and many lack the skills and abilities to engage effectively with the public.
  • IDA issued 16,000 licenses, however, it does not have the manpower to monitor and review these licenses. 
  • Poor communication and interaction between IDA and investors; the majority of investors are not aware of No. 15 of 2017.
  • IDA’s website requires further improvements and upgrading to serve as the prime platform for interaction with investors.

So far, partial progress has been made in updating IDA’s website and populating it with much of the information needed by investors. However, online services are not yet operational, and no action has been taken to raise the capacity of IDA’s employees or increase its funding allocation.